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Latvia continues providing assistance to Syrian civilians under the conditions of protracted civil war. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in association with a non-governmental organisation, Un Ponte Per, is launching a project to help women and girls in the Raqqa region Northern Syria, including in the displaced persons camps.

The aim of the project is to strengthen protection and the psychosocial well-being of women and girls who are amongst those who are least protected in this Syrian region: their access to health care is restricted and they are exposed to an extremely high risk of violence. The project will deliver educational campaigns to reduce sexual crime and curb the spread of COVID-19, as well as immediate distribution of practical assistance in the form of basic necessities.

The project will be implemented in line with the aims set out in the United Nations Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace and Security” adopted by the organisation on its 20th anniversary and the priorities of the National Action Plan of Latvia for 2020-2025. This is also going to be a contribution to the efforts of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS to stabilise the security situation in the north of Syria. The project's costs are EUR 50,000.

The Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS was established in 2014 and it has 83 members and organisations, including Latvia. By a Cabinet Order No. 455 of 21 August 2020, Regarding the contribution of funds from the State Budget “Emergency Funds” Programme, EUR 50,000 were channelled towards an initiative coordinated by the U.S. Department of State under the auspices of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS.

The humanitarian organisation, Un Ponte Per, has been active in the field of women’s health and the protection of their rights for 28 years. Since 2015, it has been implementing various programmes to support women in Syria.

The total amount of Latvia’s humanitarian assistance to Syria has been EUR 313,000 since 2012. The most recent contribution by Latvia paid into the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis – the EU Madad Fund – was EUR 10,000 in 2019.