Seminārs “Latvijas iesaiste Ukrainas atjaunošanā līdzšinējā pieredze un turpmākais”
Photo: Laura Celmiņa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 29 November 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a seminar, “Latvia’s involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine: current experience and the way ahead”. At the event, the representatives of the Ukrainian and Latvian public sector, non-governmental and international organisations, as well as Latvian business people discussed the prerequisites for the involvement of Latvian companies in the reconstruction of Ukraine, as well as sharing opinions on the experience and lessons learned so far.

The seminar was opened by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andris Pelšs, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia, Anatolii Kutsevol, and – via video conferencing – the Deputy Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine for European Integration, Anna Yurchenko.

In his address, the State Secretary emphasized that Ukraine would remain Latvia’s priority in the field of reconstruction and development cooperation projects; he also invited the members of Latvian business community and the non-governmental sector to actively build contacts in Ukraine.

On the Latvian side, the seminar was attended by Ainars Mežulis, the representative of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) in Ukraine; Laura Skrodele, Director of the Entrepreneurs for Peace Fund; Liga Sičeva, Head of the EU Project Department at the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Aivis Dembovskis, Senior Project Manager of ALTUM Export Credit Guarantee division; and Madara Siliņa, Deputy Head of Mission at the Latvian Embassy in Ukraine. The event was attended in person or followed in a remote mode by a broad spectrum of Latvian businesses and members of the non-governmental sector.

Background information

Latvia is involved in the reconstruction process in Ukraine, focusing mainly on the needs of the Chernihiv region. In 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been implementing reconstruction projects in Ukraine together with cooperation partners: the United Nations Development Programme (social infrastructure facilities), the Entrepreneurs for Peace Fund (renovation of housing in the village of Yahidne), the Centre MARTA (establishment of rehabilitation centres for women) and the Ministry of environmental Protection and Regional Development (support for territorial planning in the area of reconstruction). Latvia will engage in the long-term reconstruction of Ukraine by allocating EUR 5 million annually from state budget resources for this purpose.

29.11.2023. Ārlietu ministrijā notiek seminārs “Latvijas iesaiste Ukrainas atjaunošanā: līdzšinējā pieredze un turpmākais”