Development Cooperation

The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is launching a co-financing grant project competition “Support for Development Cooperation and Development (Global) Education Projects Funded by the European Commission and Other International Aid Donors in the Recipient Countries defined by the Republic of Latvia and in the Republic of Latvia” for 2022. The co-financing grant competition will prioritize development cooperation projects. 

Project promoters who have been granted financing by other other international aid donors, including the European Commission, are welcome to apply to participate in the competition.

A recipient country may be any partner country; however, priority in the assessment procedure will be given to projects implemented in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership countries (especially Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) as well as Central Asian countries (especially Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan). For the first time, with Latvia expanding the scope its development cooperation, priority has also been assigned to projects in Africa.

The total funding made available for the competition is EUR 40,000, which is almost double the amount for 2021.

Eligible applicants are civil society organizations registered in the Republic of Latvia – associations, foundations, social partners. Project applications shall be submitted electronically by 23.59 on 30 September 2022. Submissions after the above deadline will not be considered.

Winners will be announced on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For further information, please call us at (+371) 670 15 967 or write an e-mail to .

The competition Regulations with attachments are available in Latvian.