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In 2022, Latvia  is coordinating the cooperation of the Baltic Council of Ministers (BCM).

Take a look at the structure and work of the BCM and Latvia’s defined priorities!

The Baltic Council of Ministers (BCM), established on 13 June 1994, is an institution for governmental co-operation between Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The Baltic Council of Ministers is charged with ensuring the continuity of co-operation at the executive level of the states. The presidency of the Baltic Council of Ministers is rotated annually among the Baltic States. Since 2003, the Baltic Assembly Presidency has been harmonized with the Baltic Council of Ministers Presidency and lasts one year. In rotating order, in 2020, the presiding country was Estonia, in 2021 Lithuania assumed these responsibilities, while in 2022 the presiding country is Latvia.

The Secretariat ensures the operation of the Baltic Council of Ministers. The Secretariat consists of the officials of the Foreign Ministries of the Baltic States who are responsible for the coordination of the Baltic State Cooperation. The Secretariat is involved in preparation for the meetings of the Prime Ministers’ Council, the Co-operation Council and the Baltic Council and serves as a link for exchange of information and documentation among officials of the Baltic States.